Pull Up Calculator

This is The Pull Up Calculator. Calculate one rep max for weighted pull up (prone grip) and get your RM chart for many weights and repetitions.

This calculator takes into account your bodyweight!

Tricep Dips Calculator

This is The Dips Calculator. Estimate one rep max for weighted dips and get your RM chart for many weights and repetitions.

This calculator takes into account your bodyweight!

Muscle Up Calculator

This is The Muscle Up Calculator. Estimate one rep max for BAR weighted muscle up and get your RM chart for many weights and repetitions.

This calculator takes into account your bodyweight!

Squats Calculator

This is The Squats Calculator. Calculate one rep max for back squat and get your RM chart for many weights and repetitions.

Deadlift Calculator

This is The Deadlift Calculator. Estimate one repetition max for deadlift and get your RM chart for many weights and repetitions.

Bench Press Calculator

This is The Bench Press Calculator. Calculate one rep max for bench press and get your RM chart for many weights and repetitions.

These are the One Rep Max Calculators for Calisthenics. With these calculators, you will be able to calculate your one rep max for the strength exercises. Also, you will be able to compute the number of repetitions you should do or the added weight you should put for an specific 1 rep max.


ALL the calculators have 2 options:


=> The first option allows you to compute specific one rep max calculus. This first option has 3 functioning modes possible:


– Mode 1 (default): Compute your maximum one repetition max based on the number of repetitions and the value of added weight.


– Mode 2 (compute repetitions): Compute the number of repetitions you should be able to perform given a specific 1 rep max and an added weight value.


– Mode 3 (compute added weight): Compute the added weight value you should add, given your one repetition max and a defined number of repetitions.

=> The second option will allow you to create a table with all the added weight and repetitions and the correspondent 1RM. Let’s see the resulting table and how it works:

In the X axis you can find the added weight.


In the Y axis you can find the number of repetitions.

Each cell of the table has a value. This value is the estimated 1 repetition max for a certain weight (X axis) and a number of repetitions (Y axis). For example 4 repetitions with an added weight of 40 kilos would mean a 1RM of 55.9Kg.


The red line is a visual aid. It indicated the values close to our one repetition max to make it easier to identify the number of repetitions and added weight.


The calculators available are the following:

Weighted Pull Up Calculator

Weighted Dips Calculator

Weighted Muscle Up Calculator

Back Squat Calculator

Deadlift Calculator

Bench Press Calculator

Note: Use this TDEE Calculator to find your daily energy expenditure and macros.

For the pull up, muscle up and tricep dips calculators the bodyweight of the athlete is taken into account.